Billythebrick Cosplay

I’ve decided to take a bit of a leap and start a new business of sorts–Billythebrick Cosplay! It has its own site along with a Facebook page and a store at both StoreEnvy and Etsy. I’ll be making and selling props of my own choosing and design as well as doing custom commissions.

2016-09-04-23-13Right now I have STL files, raw resin castings, and fully finished Voltron Legendary Defender bayards. I love this new cartoon so much. It’s a perfect blend of modern and retro.

preachercan-finishedI also have a custom commission I did up for sale now–the coffee can from PreacherPreacher is, in my opinion, the best comic to screen adaptation, so it was a real joy to work on this. It was commissioned as a birthday gift for someone who, I’ve been told, was absolutely thrilled by it.

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